Your event could be as simple as hosting a film screening in your place of worship and inviting members to attend and participate in a conversation about the importance of labor rights in your own community.
Why not bring a flyer into your workplace to put on the communal bulletin board?
Maybe your child’s teacher would be interested in doing a brief unit on the international garment industry, with a field trip to a local department store to see how many countries the clothing is from and which countries and regions of the world are the largest producers.
Are you an artist? Check out for inspiration, including poetry, photographs, and films that other folks are doing to commemorate the fire in their own way. The Kheel Center at Cornell University offers a wonderful multimedia presentation of photos, names, and information to get you started.
Start a conversation, and don’t forget to let your neighbors know what you’re up to. Labor rights are human rights, and only in solidarity can we achieve our goals.
Check out our event planning ideas and e-mail to get started or share your story.
re: Remembering the 1911 Triangle Fire by Planning an Activity i
Public rights need to be stabilized. Did you know ADP Employer Services reported that companies in the U.S. added more jobs than forecast in February. Companies added 217,000 jobs, marking the 13th consecutive month of gains. This follows a revised gain of 189,000 gain in January. ( If this increase continues the economy will be able to turnaround and our public right movement is more important than ever.