Blog: October 2009

Asian Floor Wage Campaign Launches on World Day for Decent Work

The central Launch for the AFW campaign took place in New Delhi, India.  In addition to the central launch in New Delhi, other launch events were held in other parts of India, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and across Europe and North America.   One of the greatest parts of the AFW Campaign is the creativity which is already quite visible.  A comic book has been created, posters have been hung, even

Stolen Wages and the Global Apparel Industry

An impressive new report sheds
more light on this crisis. Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers: Violations
of Employment and Labor Laws in America’s Cities
conducted by a coalition of labor research groups, has documented widespread
wage and hour violations in a number of low wage industries in New York City,
Los Angeles and Chicago. Based on a 2008
survey of 4,387 low-wage workers, the report finds that “many employment
and labor laws are regularly and systematically violated, impacting a
significant part of the low-wage labor force in the nation’s largest cities.” Some of the major findings include:

New DOL Report Lists Products Made Using Child or Forced Labor

On the same day that the Department of Labor went public with their new report, major chocolate and candy companies, who are members of the National Confectioners Association, congregated in Washington D.C in order to push their legislative agenda. Despite that 70% of the world’s cocoa is produced in West Africa, where child labor and slavery are rampant, little has been done by major chocolate corporations to end these abuses. Since 2001 ILRF has urged the chocolate industry to take responsibility for child labor in their chains of production, yet companies continue to purchase and reap profits from child exploitative cocoa.


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