
Global Advocacy Days 2010: Advocates From Across the Country Descend on Capitol Hill in an Effort to Re-Abolish the Slave Trade

Human Trafficking is defined as “the recruitment and transportation of persons within or across boundaries by force, fraud or deception for the purpose of exploiting them economically.”  (For a more in depth definition of the issue, check out Understanding Slavery and Trafficking).  As the definition implies, modern slavery knows no geographical or social boundaries.  It affects citizens of every country and people of every race and religion.  For many trafficking victims, it is the promise of a good job and education that induces them to leave their homes and families only to end up half way around the world trapped in someone’s basement to be farmed out as a domestic servant during the day or forced to work in

Prominent Environmental Lawyer speaks about Stop Firestone Campaign

While the current class action lawsuit against Firestone is still pending, the time has come to strengthen Liberia’s civil society. Brownell stated the implications of these cases are great – “when you take a company to court, you cause the country to believe in the spirit of the law.” One of the many challenges that exist is creating a trickle-down effect of information to the rubber plantation workers so that they have the educational tools to be empowered.

Rights for Working Women on International Women's Day

For years, ILRF's Rights for Working Women campaign has worked to end the abuses women face in the workplace.  For example, our Fairness in Flowers campaign focuses on eliminating sexual harassment, forced pregnancy tests, poor occupational health conditions and violations of trade union rights in the production of cut flowers in Ecuador and Colombia.  You can learn more about the abuses women face in this industry by reading this report by ILRF and USLEAP.  You can find out how to supp

Attend Public Hearing on DC Sweatfree Purchasing on March 23

Last year, DC city government began efforts to reform the current system used
to purchase goods and services for the District, known more formally as the
system of contracting and procurement.  Every year the city spends millions,
sometimes billions, of dollars (primarily tax payer dollars) to purchase, or
procure, the goods and services needed to keep the city up and running.   Early
this year, Councilmember Mary Cheh introduced the “Omnibus Procurement Reform
Amendment Act of 2010
” and shortly after the administration introduced its own bill known as the

Time to Strike and Time for Change: The Labor Protests in Egypt and Beyond

It resulted from the combined effects of authoritarian control and the liberalization policy. Despite its republic appearance, Egypt is an authoritarian state. The government exerts very restrictive control over civil society. Even though Egypt ratified core ILO conventions decades ago as listed in the following table, words have not been transformed into action. For instance, the government continues to suppress workers’ rights such as freedom of association and the right to organize and collective bargain. All NGOs are required to register with the Ministry of Social Solidarity. Permission from the Ministry of the Interior is required for any public meetings, and rarely given.

Oprah's Godiva Love Fest

Other chocolate companies have gone much farther in ensuring transparency in their cocoa sourcing and supporting better conditions for cocoa farmers.  For example, Divine Chocolate is Fair Trade certified and is even co-owned by the democratic cooperative in Ghana that produces its cocoa, Kuapa Kokoo.  Equal Exchange sources cocoa beans from Fair Trade cooperatives in Latin America and its operations in the US are run by a worker-owned cooperative.  More and more big companies like Green & Black's and

Demand that Your Tax Dollars Don't Support Sweatshops (and learn a thing while doing it!)

For example, in the King’s Land factory located in Cambodia, which produces for Walmart among others, workers get paid roughly $50 a month, however the daily pay can fluctuate from $1.08 to $2.16 a day.  That is far below a living wage or even a minimum wage; that is a poverty wage.  At the Menderes Tekstil factory in Turkey, which produces for IKEA, Walmart, Carrefour, Horizante, Mothercare, Otto, Ibena, Target and Kohl's, four workers have been killed due to unsafe working conditions.  In one incident a worker died when he fell into the fun

A Dark Cloud Overshadowing the Legitimate Union Struggle in Colombia

Commonly, the media offers propaganda that blames unions for corporate bankruptcies, or associates them, without basis, with dark forces. In September 2008, when almost ten thousand sugar cane cutters went on strike asking for better working conditions, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, without evidence, said that the FARC guerrilla infiltrated the sugar cane strike (in Spanish). These kinds of official statements are extremely irresponsible and dangerous, because they not only undermine the credibility of legitimate union struggles but also lead to justify -albeit indirectly- union violence.


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