
Honduran and International Labor Movement Fights Back Against Military Coup - Lend a Hand!

Editorials in the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times last week called on the Obama Administration to do more to support the return of President Manuel Zelaya.  A resolution opposing the coup in Honduras has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives and needs your support.  Take action today to oppose the coup in Honduras and support Honduran unions who are fighting back.

Victory for Hartmarx Workers: Several thousand union workers won the struggle to save their jobs at the bankrupt Hartmarx Corporation

Hartmarx is the successor company to the famous Hart Schaffner & Marx, which was founded over 120 years ago in Chicago.  The company was first organized in an historic strike of tens of thousands of workers in 1910.  Led by a young Sidney Hillman, they achieved a groundbreaking settlement with the company and would go on to form the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America several years later.

Workers in Ghana and the US unite!

While Obama did not address these issues, they were weighing heavily on the minds of human rights and labor advocates in the US and Ghana leading up to Obama's visit.  A broad range of US and Ghanaian organizations developed a press booklet (available here) before Obama's trip outlining a range of recommendations for improving US policy toward Africa.  Additionally, the Ghana Federation of Labor (GFL) joined with the International Trade Union Confederation in holding a two-day conference in Ghana highlighting violations of worker rights in the US.  The GFL endors

Demonstrators draw attention to “Canada’s Ugly Secret” on Canada Day

Asbestos is dangerous for workers because they are exposed to very high concentration of asbestos fibers. The asbestos fibers can be inhaled by laborers and cause cancerous growths in the lungs and abdomen. Workers in the developing countries are at even higher risk as are their families and communities that also come into contact with asbestos. Worldwide, about 125 million people are exposed to asbestos at work and at least 90,000 die each year from asbestos-related diseases, according to the World Health Organization.

Will Obama visit cocoa farmers in Ghana?

It is expected that a major part of President Obama's message during his visit to Ghana will be on promoting increased US investment in agricultural development projects in Africa.  Given this focus, it makes a lot of sense for Obama to visit Kuapa Kokoo and see first hand how farmers are working together to implement farming practices that are more socially and environmentally sustainable.  The US should be supporting projects like Kuapa Kokoo that empower farmers and are driven by farmers themselves.  Obama also promised to promote fair trade principles during the presidential campaign, so visiting Kuapa Kokoo would be a great opportunity to see first hand how farmers in Ghana are working to develop different models of global trade.


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