Shakopee family to practice 'Reverse Trick-or-Treating'

Pat Minelli
Shakopee Valley News

Excerpt from Article: 

By Pat Minelli

...In its second year, the twist on Halloween known as Reverse Trick-or-Treating involves passing out a piece of fairly traded chocolate that is accompanied by a card informing recipients of poverty and child labor problems in the cocoa industry. The card tells how those problems affect mainstream candy enjoyed at Halloween and throughout the year, and how Fair Trade Certified chocolate provides a solution...

"We’re trying to make small changes in our life that will make it easier to teach Wyatt about sustainability so that it comes naturally for him," Amy said, "like catching our rainwater in rain barrels to water the lawn, composting our food waste into nutrient-rich soil for the garden, using CFL light bulbs and turning lights off when we leave the room."...