
Firestone: Child Labor Continues in Liberia

Since the international campaign to stop Firestone's abusive of workers on their rubber plantation in Liberia began several years ago, Firestone has claimed that they do not hire children under the age of 18.  Meanwhile, they impose an unreasonably high production quota on workers which in order to be met requires them to bring their children and wives to work with them.  If they do not meet their quota, their low wages are halved.  If they do not receive their full wages, they will struggle to provide food for their families and many of the workers I spoke to told me that they have very little access to food already.  Since the children are not formal employees, Firestone is able to use word play to make it seem like their policies don't direc

Flower Worker Dora Acero Speaks on the Hill

Dora Acero has worked in the
Colombian flower industry for over 15 years. For the past 8 years, she has
worked at La Fragancia plantation, owned by Dole Fresh Flowers, a subsidiary of
Dole Food Company. At the briefing, she shared some her experiences she has had
while working at the flower plantation, such as the humiliation of always
having to ask permission to use the bathroom, and having to sacrifice her dignity
in order to support her family, as many women flower workers must do. Dora and
other workers in her union (Untrafragancia) continue to struggle to reach a
collective bargaining agreement with Dole. If they reach an agreement, they will
be the first independent union to have a labor contract in the entire Colombian

Sweatshop Workers Visit Govt Officials, Students, and Unions

Already, our guests have spoken to hundreds of people--students, union
members, elected officials, the media, sharing their personal stories
and inviting people in the U.S. to support their struggles:

Savin Phal, from Cambodia, is a mother of five who was recently fired
from her job at the King's Land factory sewing Wal-Mart brand clothing
because she tried to organize a union. Now she is the vice president of
a local union with the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers
Democratic Union (C.CAWDU).

Wal-Mart Sweatshop Workers Speaking Tour

Join SweatFree Communities and the International Labor Rights Forum for the 2008 Wal-Mart Sweatshop Workers Speaking Tour

From April 6-18, 2008, workers from Costa Rica and Cambodia
will visit ten cities in Michigan and Ohio, sharing their stories of
what it's like to work in the fields and factories that fill the
shelves of Wal-Mart. With your help we will educate our communities
about the high cost behind Wal-Mart's much publicized low prices, and
we will inspire action to improve working conditions at home and

Cargill & ADM: Supporting Slavery?

Section 3105 of the Farm Bill, called Voluntary Certification of Child Labor Status of Agricultural Imports, would provide a method which producers of agricultural products could use to certify that their products are free of child labor and forced labor.  The Department of Labor, under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, is compiling a list of imported goods believed to be produced using forced labor or child labor in violation of international standards.

Is Free Trade Worth This?

It should be noted that most Colombian workers and their unions are against the proposed U.S.-Colombia trade agreement; unlike American investors, workers in Colombia have little to gain by further U.S. investment without real accountability for violence against unions and for other human rights abuses.

Fair Trade in the Classroom: Empowering Youth as Global Citizens

But how can students begin to relate to people half way
across the world, to have an inkling of what it is like to work on a cocoa
farm, at a t-shirt factory, a banana plantation?


The Focus
on Fair Trade Curriculum
offers an accessible way to introduce
students of all ages to the concept of global interdependence through an
exploration of familiar foods produced outside the USA: chocolate, bananas and
coffee; and an introduction to Fair Trade.

Sweatshop workers from the DR Speak at U of Maryland

However, USAS decided to arrange a speaking tour with Julio and Manuel
to bring their stories to the college students who buy the clothes they
make. Educating the students, who then put pressure on their
university, who put pressure on the apparel companies, is a way to
change the conditions at TOS Dominicana and sweatshops elsewhere. Once
Hanes heard about the speaking tour and started receiving responses
from students, the company decided to meet with the union organizers at


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