
Success for Women Workers in South Africa

In 2007, this
research culminated in the publication of a report - Sexual Harassment: Is it Really a Problem on Farms? Report of a fact-finding survey of farm workers conducted in 2006  - which concluded that, when compared to their male counterparts, women farm workers occupy subordinate positions because of their gender, and are more likely than men to be hired as seasonal contract workers. The study found that sexual harassment - ranging from offensive remarks to sexual assault or rape - was widespread, particularly amongst younger women and girls. There are currently no policies being implemented to address these egregious rights abuses.

Women, Labor and Leadership Curriculum Success

One participant says,

This project has helped us learn to value ourselves
as women, We have been able to use this information to integrate ourselves in
the leadership structures of our unions…We have acquired knowledge that allows
us to face and solve a diversity of problems in our work, in our families, and
in our unions and organizations.

The next step of this process is to create the space to allow union women to not only use the curriculum to enhance their skills but also to strategize and support each other to truly create a movement for women’s economic rights throughout Central America.

MLK and labor rights -- Support New Era Workers

While growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, it is unfortunate that topics of race, class and labor weren't addressed in my predominantly white schools.  I
think the first time I had MLK Day off was in college.  College was
where I received my foundation on progressive ideals.  I'll never
forget marching throughout the city of Kalamazoo while in college for
my first MLK parade.  Then I had the opportunity to learn about the
sanitation workers strike in Memphis as the context to why MLK had
decided to visit Memphis.  If you aren't familiar with this labor
struggle, be sure to watch "At the River I Stand."

Dannon Workers Unionize in OH with International Support

More than 300 workers at the Dannon yogurt plant here have become
members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers
International Union (BCTGM) following a National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB) election that concluded yesterday.

An overwhelming majority  of workers voted on December 5 and 6 to become members of the BCTGM.

workers are to be commended for standing strong in their efforts to
become unionized," notes BCTGM International President Frank Hurt.
"While this organizing victory was the culmination of efforts on many
different fronts, it all came down to the strength of the workers,"
Hurt adds.

UN Labor Panel Rules in Favor of UE

The ILO finding comes in response to a complaint filed in December 2005 by the
United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) and UE Local 150,
the North Carolina Public Service Union. The UE was joined by the FAT, ZENROREN
(the Progressive Labor Federation in Japan) and the SFPQ and CSQ (public sector
unions in Quebec in serving the governor with the complaint. In February 2006,
UE was also joined in its complaint by Public Services International (PSI), a
worldwide federation of trade unions representing more than 20 million public
sector workers in 160 countries.

Vote for Sweatshops?

From the Online Campaign

Hillary Clinton            While some shirts appear to have a union printing “bug” on the
front there is no information on the online store webpage about where the shirts
were made and/or printed.

John Edwards             All T-shirts are union
made/union printed in the U.S.A.

Rudy Giuliani              All T-shirts are made in
the U.S.A., no other information

Mike Huckabee           There is no information
available on the website


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